Flower Essences

Flower essences work on all bodies: the mental, the emotional, the etheric and the physical.
Flower essences bring balance and harmony to the individual.
Dr. Edward Bach, "the father of flower medicine", believed that often illness was caused because the soul and personality were out of harmony with each other; the flower remedies help to bring the balance.

Flower essences are very helpful in many situations: times of great stress, transition, divorce, separation from a loved one, change of job or location, illness, grief, etc... Even in physical illness, the flowers can be of great assistance, as often there is an emotional component or cause to the illness. As the flower remedies work to clear, heal and support the mental, emotional and etheric bodies, the physical body has a much better chance of healing itself.

I have listed some more serious situations that flower remedies are helpful with; however, they can improve almost any situation. A few examples: better focus and attention, willpower to stick to a diet, clearing negative emotional attachments, enhanced relationships, improved self esteem, better personal boundaries, increased intuition, greater self love, relief from depression, increase in libido, control of libido, better mental organization, anxiety, phobias, etc... the list goes on.

Flower essences work energetically. They are non-narcotic and can be used in addition to other healing modalities. They do not interfere with medication.

A flower essence consultation usually takes and hour or less and is similar to an appointment with a therapist or counselor. We generally visit a bit to determine the most important areas to be working on at the time. As a result of the consultation, I will custom blend a flower remedy for you to be taken sublingually over the next couple of weeks.

Consultation can be done in person or by phone (in which I ship the remedy to you by post).

I look forward to assisting you with the inner and outer changes you are wanting to make.

Flowers Essences are a powerful ally.